Healing your destructive patterns,is releasing the negative story running your 'show'
When healing your Patterns, you experience of your life will change…
You will feel different in the world, from not being in a place where you feel like a victim
- but from a place of more and more freedom.
Have you experienced:
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
flashbacks feeling like the unpleasant memories resurfacing
Do you:
Act counter to what you know is in your own best interest
Say 'Yes' when you want to say 'No'
Say 'No' when you want to say 'Yes'
Keep finding yourself in toxic relationships (romantic, private, professional)Getting out of the destructive patterns
When you work with me, I access your emotional body and release the negative stories that keeps you stuck in your destructive patterns.When I heal your patterns, the negative stories that run your 'show' today will release and you will start to feel more free. You will start to make better choices for yourself in situations that today would have you act against your own best interest. You will experience yourself behave in healthier ways in your relationships with others.
Call or write me, to schedule your FREE exploratory session.
Call: (917) 450 1890Write: [email protected]
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